Northwest Farm

Northwest Bresse
Northwest Farm's white Bresse chicken is a great option for backyard farmers. Our white Bresse chickens have been cultivated from various hatcheries across the United States as well as the original American Bresse importer Greenfire Farms. The hardy bird allows for a range of temperatures, they are fantastic foragers, rose brown egg layers, and have an even tempered disposition. Their stark white feathers and bright red combs make for a classic looking bird, offset by a very unique blue coloration to the feet, a trademark of the Bresse Gauloise breed. Besides the blue coloration of their feet, Bresse birds are widely known for their excellent tasting meat. Northwest Bresse, like traditional French Bresse, are finished on a diet of Saanan Goat milk and corn to produce a marbling effect similar beef. This makes a succulent, juicy, firm meat with intense flavor.